Wednesday, October 21, 2009

NLE Sample Questions 3


Situation 1 - Rita just retired from government service and was admitted for pneumonectomy.

1. As trip nurse on duty, you should chock for the medical clearance of your client for surgery among other pre-op requirements.This clearance primarily covers:
A. stress-coping mechanism of the client
B. socio-economic status of the client
C. smoking and eating habits of the client
D. cardio-pulmonary system

2. A battery of preoperative tests were done. Particularly, the nurse should assess the lung capacity by checking the
A serum creatinine level C. serum protein levels
B chest x-ray D. arterial blood gas

3 The major objective in postoperative pneumonectomy is to :
A. maintain a patent airway
B. provide maximum remaining lung capacity
C. provide early rehabilitation measures
D. recognize early symptoms of complications

4. There is an order of Central Venus Pressure (CVP) reading. As a nurse, you-should know that this is a measures of observing signs of:
A. hypoxia C. hypothermia
B. hypovolemia D. hypoxemia

5 Pulmonary edema is a potential danger that we nurses should monitor in post pneumonectomy. This is usually due to:
A. extreme temperature
B. liberal fluid intake
C. rapid infusion of IV fluids
D. fluid retention due to prolonged bed rest

Situation 2 - The PRC regulates the practice of 42 professions in the Philippines.

6. What is the basic requirement of the state for a nurse to practice her profession?
A. Willingness to practice the profession
B. A BSN degree
C. A nursing license
D. An NCLEX and CGFNS passer

7. The Code of Good Governance for the professions in the Philippines shall be adapted by:
A. all registered professionals C. all professionals
B. all Filipino professionals D. all registered nurses

8. The standardized guidelines and procedures for the implementation of Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) for all professional. Resolution Number 2004-179 provides that the total CPE credit units for registered professionals with baccalaureate degree should be:
A. 20 credit units per year C. 60 credit units for 3 years
B. 30 credit units for 3 years D. 10 Credit units required

9. The Board of Nursing is vested with power to issue, suspend, or revoke for cause, the:
A. certificate of Good Moral Character C. certificate of Registration
B. certificate of Practice D. certificate of Employment

10. RA 7193 stipulates the removal examination of the nurse licensure examination shall be taken:
A. Within 3 years after the last failed examination
D. Anytime the examinee wants to take the examination
C. Within 2 years after the last failed examination
D. Within the same year after the last failed examination

Situation 3 - Pain is always associated to surgery:

11. As a surgical nurse, which of the following nursing intervention will allay anxiety and pain among surgical patients?
A. Assess the client for concerns especially those that can potentially cause pain
B. Verify that the operative permit is signed
C. Discourage the client from discussing the details of the surgical procedure
D. Ensure safety of client while in surgery

12. Rhizotomy is a condition surgical procedure to manage those that can potentially cause pain. What is the crucial in determining a good candidate for rhizotomy?
A. Pain which is resistant to non-pharmacologic for 6 month
B. Pain which is resistant to pharmacologic protocol for 12 months
C. Local pain with no radiating pain or signs of nervous compassion
D. Deep pain with obvious signs of peripheral nerve damage

13. Which of the following would he the nurse's appropriate response to a crying female client scheduled for emergency surgery who is verbalizing fear of pain but afraid to go to sleep?
A. Let her cry and tell significant other to stand by.
B. Squeeze her hand and assure her that there will be no pain at ail because she will be given anesthesia.
C. Stand by her side and quietly ask her to describe her feelings.
D. Check her name tag and request anesthesiologist to sedate client.

14. Which of the following client's statement indicates that he understands the nurse's instruction about postoperative wound pain?
A. "I shall call the nurse when my wound itches and smells".
B. "I shall expect slight pain and discomfort from the surgical incision".
C. "I should call my doctor if my wound has no drainage, and intact".
D. "I should not touch my surgical wound".

15. What do you think is an important responsibility related to pain that is subjective in nature?
A. Divert attention of client in pain
B. Leave the patient alone while in pain
C. Believe what the patient says about the pain
D. Assume responsibility to eliminate pain as described by the client

Situation 4 Nurses' attitudes toward pain influence the way they perceive and interact with clients in pain.

16. Nurses should be aware that older adults are at risk of underrated pain. Nursing assessment and management of pain should address the following beliefs EXCEPT:
A. older patients seldom tend lo report pain than the younger ones
B. pain is a sign of weakness
C. older patients do not believe in analgesics; they are tolerant
D. complaining of pain will lead to being labeled a "bad” patient

17. Nurses should understand that when a client responds favorably to a placebo, it is known as the placebo effect'. Placebos do not indicate whether or not a client has:
A. conscience C. disease
B. real pain D. drug tolerance

18. You are the nurse in the pain clinic where you have a client who has difficulty specifying the location of pain. How can you assist such client?
A. The pain is vague
B. By chaiting-it hurls all over
C. Identify the absence and presence of pain .
D. Ask the client to point to the painful area by just one finger

19. What symptom, more distressing thin pain, should the nurse monitor when giving opioids especially among elderly clients who are in pain?
A. Forgetfulness C. Drowsiness
B. Constipation D. Allergic reactions like pruritis

20. Physical dependence occurs in anyone who takes opioids over a period of time. What do you tell a mother of a “dependent” when asked for advice?

A. Start another drug and slowly lessen the opioid dosage
B. Indulge in recreational outdoor activities
C. Isolate opioid dependent to a restful resort
D. Instruct slow tapering of the drug dosage and alleviate physical withdrawal symptoms

Situation 5 - As a perioperative nurse, you are aware of the correct processing methods for preparing instruments and other devices for patient use to prevent infection.

21. items that enter sterile tissue or vascular system are categorized as critical items and should be:
A. Clean C. Sterilized
B. Decontaminated D. Disinfected

22. As an OR nurse, what are your foremost considerations for selecting chemical agents for disinfection?
A. Material compatibility and efficiency
B. Odor and availability
C. Cost and duration of disinfection process
D. Duration of disinfection and efficiency

23. Before you use a disinfected instrument, it is essential that you:
A. Rinse with tap water followed by alcohol
B. Wrap the instrument with sterile towel
C Dry the instrument thoroughly
D Rinse with sterile water

24 You have a critical heat labile instrument to sterilize and are considering to use a high level disinfectant. What should you do?
A. Cover the soaking vessel to contain the vapor
B. Double the amount of high level disinfectant
C. test the potency of the high level disinfectant
D. Prolong the exposure time according to manufacturer's direction

25. As a nurse, you know that intact skin acts as an effective barrier to most microorganisms. Therefore, items that come in contact with the intact skin should be:
A. Disinfected C. Clean
B. Sterile D. Alcoholized

Situation 6 - The OR is divided into three zones to control traffic flow and contamination.

26. What OR attires are worn in the restricted area?
A. Scrub suit, OR shoes, head cap
B. Head cap, scrub suit, mask, OR shoes
C. Mask, OR shoes, scrub suit
D. Cap, mask, gloves, shoes

27. Which of the following nursing interventions should be given the highest priority when receiving a client in the OR?
A. Check for presence of dentures, jewelry, nail polish, and other accessories
B. Receive the client "at the semi-restricted area and change his gown
C. Assess level of consciousness
D. Verify the identification and informed consent

28. Conversation while in the operation is ongoing is minimized because;
A full concentration is demanded during the entire procedure
B. it annoys the surgeon
C. it is unethical to talk about the client
D. it enhances the spread of microorganism to the incision site
29. Spaulding categorized instruments according to use. Where do you classify endoscopic instrument?
A Decontaminated instruments C. High technology instruments
B. High level disinfected instruments D. Sterile instruments

30. In the OR. "Surgical Conscience" means.
A. Observance of Operating Room Protocol at all times
B. Use of prescribed OR attire in all areas of the OR
C. Honest adherence to surgical aseptic techniques all the time
D. Strict implementation of "Standard Precaution"

Situation 7 - Nurses have the responsibility to assist diabetic clients with insulin administration it is essential that both nurse and client learn how to measure insulin dosage accurately.

31. Insulin concentration is labeled and measured in:
A. units/ml C. grain
B. gm/ml D. mg/ml

32. Each unit of insulin provides the client with the same dose and effect regardless of its concentration per 1 ml of solution. Is insulin of 500 "u" per ml more potent that insulin of 100 "u" per ml?
A. Moderate potency C. More potent
B. Less potent D. Same potency

33. Nursing intervention for a patient on low dose IV insulin therapy includes the following, EXCEPT:
A. elevation of serum ketones to monitor ketosis
B. vital signs including BP
C. estimate serum potassium
D. elevation of blood glucose levels

34. The doctor ordered to incorporate 1000 V insulin to the remaining on going IV. The strength is 500 u/ml. How much should you incorporate into the IV solution?
A. 10 ml C. 0.5 ml
B. 2 ml D. 5 ml

35. Mutipie vial-dose-insulin when in use should be:
A. kept at room temperature C. kept in the narcotic cabinet
B. kept in the refrigerator D. stored in the freezer

Situation 8 - Collaborative planning is essential if nursing and health care are to be made available to all people.

36 Perioperative examples of collaboration are the following EXCEPT;
A Communicate with other members of the health profession to improve the integrity
B. Communicate with health officials the incidence of Hepatitis B among OR personnel
C. Collaboration with other OR personnel regarding the practices of surgeons collecting exorbitant professional fees
D. Collaborate with DOM regarding disposal or specimens

37. The nurses collaborate with other members of the health profession to improve the integrity of the hospital working environment through the following ways EXCEPT:

A. Joining barangay health club projects
B. Joining the Mayo Uno Labor Union
C. Joining labor day rally to increase wages of healthcare workers and improve dilapidated health centers
D. Affiliating with The All Healthcare Alliance

38. An example of a collaborating effort on public service particularly during summer is:
A. Boto Mo. Ipatrol Mo C. Clean and Green
0. Operation Linis D. Operation Tuli

39. When does a nurse reject the interdependence of providers and patients in achieving access to health care?
A. "Our hospital does not honor visiting doctors "
B. When the nurse replies to a client's relative "You have the best doctor in town".
C. when the nurse communicates to the attending physician the desire of the patient to be seen by a urologist
D. The doctor is not on duly today."

40. Individual patients and society as a whole benefit from nursing participation in decisions made about health care. This is exemplified in.
A Supporting, political candidates that advance nursing health care issues
B. Bringing the NCI-EX in the Philippines
C. Supporting the proliferation of colleges of nursing in the country
D. Following the decision of CGFNS to retake lest lit and V to validate the visa screen for the U.S.

Situation 9 - Pain management is not limited to pharmacological means.

41 Ronald, one of your clients who is being worked out for AIDS, tells you that he has been using acupuncture to help with his pain You questioned his treatment because:
A. acupuncture uses needles to stimulate certain points on the body to treat pain
B. acupuncture uses a variety of herbs and oils from wild plants
C. acupuncture uses manipulation of the skeletal muscles to relieve stress and pain
D. acupuncture uses pressure from the fingers and hands to stimulate body responses

42. Your younger brother came home with a right black eye. He asked you for an eye ointment to relive the pain and swelling. You should offer:
A. ice pack over the right eye C hot compress over the right eye
B. tetracycline ophthalmic ointment D. ice cold drinks

43. Menstrual pain and discomfort account for absences in schools and offices An non-pharmacological remedy for menstrual pain is:
A. regular bowel movement.
B. knee-chest exercises before menstruation and not water bag application over lower abdomen during onset.
C. warm shower during onset of menstrual period.
D diet restriction on fatty foods and liberal fluid intake.

44. Among burn clients, especially 1st and 2nd degree, one of the primary nursing functions is to alleviate pain. The following are appropriate nursing interventions, EXCEPT :
A. using cold water for hydrotherapy
B. avoiding exposure to draft
C. administering morphine S04 as proscribed
D. using of bed cradle to relive pain

45. Nurses taking care of post skin graft patents know that the post-op pain is at the :
A. Buttocks C. Recipient site
B. Donor site D. Injection site
Situation 10 - One learns by doing especially when you practice the best methods

45. Which action by a new nurse signifies a need fur further teaching in infection control?
A. The nurse places the side rails the time to an unconscious patient
B. The nurse elevates the head of the bed to check the BP
C. The nurse uses her bare hands to change the dressing
D. The nurse applies oxygen catheter to the mouth

47. You are on PM shift and about 5 patients are for discharge. You noted that the orderly was looking through the items of one of the patients. Which action should you pursue?
A Call the attention of the orderly in private
B. Ignore the situation because you are busy
C. Report this behavior to the nurse in charge
D. Monitor the situation and note whether any other items are reported missing
48. What appropriate action should you do when you overhear the nursing attendant speaking harshly to an elderly patient?
A. Try to explore the interaction with the nursing attendant concerned
B. Change the attendant's assignment
C. Initiate a group discussion with all other nursing attendants
D. Discuss the matter with the patient's family

49. You have been in the surgical ward for almost a year and have cared for a number of clients with CVP. Which observation from a colleague would indicate a need for further teaching?
A. The colleague turns the stop-cock to the off position from the IV fluid to the patient
B. The nurse colleague notes the level at the top of the meniscus.
C. The colleague instructs the client to perform the valsalva manuever during the CVP reading.
D. The nurse colleague charting medication administration that she has not yet given.

50. You saw one colleague charting medication administration that she has not yet administered. After talking to her, you also report the incident to the charge nurse. The charge nurse so should:
A. require the staff to submit an incident report
B. terminate the nurse
C. charge the erring nurse with dishonest
D. report to the Board of Nursing

51. Which nursing diagnosis has priority among client in the PACU?
A. Acute pain related to discomfort of wound and immobility.
B. Body image disturbance because of wound dressing and drains.
C. Ineffective airway clearance related to general anesthesia.
D. Knowledge deficit related to lack of information because patients are all sedated.

52. Which of the following clients at the PACU will demonstrate the effectiveness of preoperative teaching?
A. The client demonstrates deep breathing, coughing, splintering and leg exercises.
B. The client manifests normal temperature
C. The client sleeps well
D. The client has good balance I and O.

53. Which of the following remark indicates that the client's relative understood the discharge I instruction for wound care?
A. "If the wound is painful, I will say it is normal".
B. "It is alright to use adhesive tape over the wound to keep it intact".
C. "It is ok for his pet to remain at his bedside to keep him company".
D. "I will report any redness or swelling of the wound”.

54. You just transferred out a post-op client to her room. What would your instruction to the family include to prevent accidents?
A. Report when the IV infusion is almost finished.
B. Test the call system if functioning.
C. Keep the room lights on for 24 hours.
D. Make sure the side rails are up.

55. One of your post-op patients has a temperature of 37.9 C and was shivering. You covered him with a blanket and later took his temperature again and it is now 38.9° C. The nursing student asked you to explain the absence of shivering even if the temperature was higher.
A. The patient is no longer febrile thus he is no longer chilling.
B. Shivering normally disappears as temperature becomes higher.
C. The body has reached its new set point thus the absence of shivering.
D. The patient is feeling better.

Situation 12 - Patients with chest tubes can be very challenging to new nurses.

56. The chest tube drainage of Tirso has continuous bubbling in the water seal drainage. After
an hour you noticed that the bubbling stops. Which of the following condition is the possible cause of the malfunctioning sealed drainage?
A. A suction being too high C. A tube being too small
B. An air leak D. A tension pneumothorax

57. While you were making your endorsement, you found out the chest tube of a client was disconnected. What would be your appropriate action?
A. Assist the client back to his bed and place him on the affected side
B. Cover the end of the chest tube with sterile gauze
C. Reconnect the tube to the chest tube system
D. Put the end of the chest tube into a cup of sterile normal saline

58. Of. Reyes asked you to assist him with the removal of Tirso's chest tube. You would instruct the client to :
A. continuously breathe normally during the normal of the chest tube
B. take a deep breath, exhale, and bear down
C. exhale upon actual removal of the tube
D. hold breath until the chest tube is pulled out

59. Chest tube diameter is measured or expressed in :
A. french C. millilitres
B. gauge D. inches

60. When transporting clients with chest tube, the system should be:
A. disconnected
B. closed
C. placed lower than the patient's chest
D. placed between the legs of the client to prevent breakage

Situation 13 - The perioperative nurse collaborates with the client, significant others, and healthcare providers

61 Patient outcome^reflect the collaborative interdisciplinary effort and independent nursing activities.'Who is the primary partner of the nurse in health care?
A. The family C. The client
B. The doctor D. The significant other

62. To control environmental hazards in the OR, the nurse collaborates with the following departments EXCEPT:
A. biomedical division C. infection control committee
B. chaplaincy services D. pathology department

63. Waste disposal poses a big problem for the hospital. Biological wastes (i.e. amputated limbs) disposal should be coordinated with the following agencies EXCEPT:
A. Crematorium C. MMDA

64. Toss, the PACU nurse, discovered that Malou, who weighs 110 lbs prior to surgery, is in severe pain 3 hrs after cholecystectomy. Upon checking the chart, Malou found out that she has an order of Demerol 100 my I.M. prn for pain, less should verify the order with:
A. A Nurse supervisor C. Surgeon
B. Anesthesiologist D. Intern on duty

65. Rosie, 57 who is a diabetic is for debridement of incision wound. When the circulating nurse checked the present IV fluid, she found out that there is no insulin incorporated as ordered. What should the circulating nurse do?
A. Double check the doctor's order and call the attending MD
B. Communicate with the ward nurse to verify if insulin was incorporated or not
C. Communicate with the client to verify if insulin was incorporated.
D. Incorporate insulin as ordered.

66 The current insulin pumps available in the market have the following capability. EXCEPT ;
A. prevent unexpected saving in blood glucose measurements
B. detect signs and symptoms of hypoglycaernia and hypercalcemia
C. deliver a pre-meal bolus dose of insulin before each meal
D. deliver a continuous basal rate of insulin at 0.5 units to 2.0 units per hour

67. Discharge plan of diabetic clients include injection-site-rotation. You should emphasize that the space between sites should be :
A. 6 cm C. 2.5 cm
B. 5 cm D. 4 cm

68. It is critical also that a diabetic client should be educated in the possible sites if regular insulin injection. The fastest absorption rate happens at the tissue areas of:
A. gluteal area C. anterior thigh
B. deltoid area D. abdominal area

69. Sell-monitoring of blood glucose (SMDG) is recommended for patient's use. You will recommend this technology in the following diabetic patients, EXCEPT :
A. client with proliferative retinopathy C. hypoglycemia without warning
B. unstable diabetes O. abdominal renal glucose threshold

70. It is necessary for a diabetic client to exercise regularly. What is the effect of regular exercise to a diabetic client?
A. It burns excess glucose
B. It improves insulin utilization and lowers blood glucose
C. It lowers glucose, improves insulin utilization, decrease total triglyceride levels
D. It will make you fit and energized

Situation 15 - RN's should always he conscious that the contents in charting are admissible in court as evidence.

71. If there is any deviation from normal practice or procedure e.g. streptomycin was given by IV not IM, this should documented in the:
A. progress notes C. nurse's note
B. incident report D. patient's chart

72 Documentation of all nursing activities performed is legally and professionally vital Which of the following should NOT be included in the patient's chart?
A. Presence of prosthetics! devices such as dentures, artificial limbs, hearing aid. etc.
B. Baseline physical, emotional, and
C. Arguments between nurses and residents regarding treatments
D. Observed untoward signs and symptoms and interventions including concomitant intervening factors

73. During your morning rounds. Mr. Tipol, 60 year old widower, tried to sit up and .instead of holding to the side rail held the IV stand causing the IV bottle to fall and break. You wrote an incident report to show:
A. document the incident C. present confidential report
B. be a part of the patient's chart D. evidence of the quality of care

74. Erasures, alterations, and additions in medical records and the nurse's notes can be avoided.The following are some tips on how to do corrections EXCEPT:
A. Cross out blank spaces
B. Cross out wrong word or phrase with one or two lines making the crossed out word discernible
C. Insert additions or corrections
D. State the reason for any deviation from normal procedure/practice

75. Kathy is one of your patient's: Her uncle, who is a doctor, wants to read her chart. Your appropriate action would be;
A. Instruct Kathy's uncle to present a written authorization signed by the patient
B. Refer to the hospital director
C. Instruct Kath’s uncle to present a written request to the Medical Records Section of the hospital
D. Refer to the attending physician

Situation 16 - During the month of July, you noticed that there is an incidence of upper respiratory disorders.

76. One of your cases is with acute pharyngitis. Your nursing management includes the
following EXCEPT?
A. Suggest a soft or liquid diet during acute stage
B. Encourage liberal amount of color fruit juices
C. Encourage bed rest during febrile stage
D. Apply ice collar for symptomatic relief of severe sore throat

77. For a nurse to assess an upper respiratory tract infection, you should palpate the following,
A. the ears. eyes, nose, and throat
B. adenoids, tonsils and nose
C. nose and throat only
D. the tracheal and nasal mucosa including the frontal sinuses

78. Among patients with upper airway infection, airway clearance can be facilitated by the following
A. regularly administering prescribed vasoconstrictive medications
8. decreasing systemic hydration
C. positional drainage.
D. humidifying inspired room air

79. A friend asked you some nursing measures of uncomplicated common colds. You will
include the following measures. EXCEPT :
A. instruct client about symptoms of secondary infections
B. administer prescribed antibiotics
C. teach that the causative virus is contagious even before symptoms appear
D. suggest adequate of fluids and rest

80. The following are your nursing suggestions for a patient with acute or chronic sinusitis EXCEPT:
A. Local heat application to promote drainage
B. Consult an ENT surgeon
C. Increase humidity
D. Advice adequate fluid intake

Situation 17 -A specimen is a piece of tissue or body fluid taken from the disease body organ or tissue to aid the health care team in diagnosis and effective treatment. Necessarily, the nurse assume responsibility in the care of the specimen.

81. Carmen is suspected to have left breast CA. She is scheduled in your room on 5 for frozen section. How will you prepare the specimen for laboratory?
A. Refrigerate and send it along with the day's specimens
B. Send to pathology immediately without soaking solution
C. Soak it in NSS
D. Soak it in formalin

82. How will you label this specimen? What information was essentia! in the label?
A. Name of client, age, sex. hospital number
B. Name of client, age, sex
C. Name, age, site, type of specimen, hospital number, doctor
D. Name, doctor, type of specimen, hospital number

83. Foreign body the extracted from the body like pins, needles, seeds or bullets are also considered as specimen. You assisted in the multiple gun-shot wound exploration. During the surgery 3 bullets were recovered. You should the specimen to:
A. the department of pathology
B. the national bureau of investigation
C. the OR head nurse
D. client's family

84. A post dilation and curettage (D and C) client is for discharge. Follow-up of lab result should be part of the discharge plan You will instruct the client to follow up result at the:
A. Medical record C. Doctor's clinic
B. Laboratory D. Nurse's station
85. You are the circulating nurse in OR 2. You have 4 thyroidectomy cases for the day. How do you prevent switching of specimens?
A. Send specimens to laboratory right away after the operation with the proper labels
B. Collect all specimens and send to laboratory at the end of the day
C. Label specimen at once
D. Prepare 4 specimen vials first thing in the morning

Situation 18 - Mr. Santos, 50, is to undergo cystoscopy due to multiple problems like scanty urination, hermaturia and dysuria.

86. You are the nurse in charge of Mr. Santos. When asked what are the organs to be examined during cystoscopy, you will enumerate as follows:
A. Uretera, kidney, bladder, urethra
B. Urethra, bladder wall, trigone, ureteral opening
C. Bladder wail, uterine wall, and urethral opening
D. Urethral opening, ureteral opening, bladder

87. In the OR, you will position Mr. Santos who is for cystoscopy in:
A. Supine C. Semi-Fowler
B. Lithotomy D. Trendelenburg

88 After cystoscopy, Mr. Santos tasked you to explain why then; is no incision of any kind. What do you tell him?
A. “Cystoscopy is direct visualization and examination by urologist".
B. "Cystoscopy is done by x-ray visualization of the urinary tract".
C. "Cystoscopy is done by using lasers on, the urinary tract".
D. "Cystoscopy is an endoscopic procedure of the urinary tract".

89. Within 24-48 hours post cystoscopy, it is normal to observe one the following:
A. Pink-tinged urine C. Signs of infection
B. Distended bladder D. Prolonged hematuria

90. Leg cramps are NOT uncommon post cystoscopy. Nursing intervention includes:
A. Bed rest ; C. Early ambulation
B. Warm moist soak D. Hot sitz bath

Situation 19 - During the surgical procedure, contamination should be confined and contained within the immediate vicinity of the surgical field to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

91. The following technique illustrates the concept "confine and contain", EXCEPT:
A. contaminated items like sponges are handled using gloves
B. all blood, tissue, and body fluid specimens should be placed in leak-proof
C. surgeons conduct their patient's rounds in scrub suit
D. prompt cleanup of accidental spills of contaminated debris e.g. Blood, body fluids

92. The OR is a 'restricted area' where OR attire is worn. Temperature and humidity are set for patient and personnel safety and reduce bacterial contamination. During surgery, movement of personnel including the circulating nurse is :
A. kept to a minimum C. restricted
B. eliminated when possible D. monitored

93 Sterile' is the condition of almost all items, devices or supplies used in the OR for any surgical procedure. Shelf-life of j packaged sterile item is event related and depends on the following. EXCEPT:
A. type of sterilizer used to "sterilize” items
B. amount of handling
C. the quality of packaging material used
D. storage conditions

94. Precaution recommends that the use of standard personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent cross contamination. Which is NOT considered a piece of PPE?
A. Cover gown C. Gloves
B. Eyewear D. face shields

95. Traffic patterns in the OR suite should:
A. prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the OR
B. prevent transmission of pathogenic microorganisms
C. assure that personnel walk in the same direction
D. allow personnel to move freely between restricted and unrestricted areas

Situation 20 - Nokia is so powerful to "connect people" from continent to continent, ail through communication via the cellphone. Other ways of communication to relay information or instructions exist even in the healthcare setting.

96. An anesthesiologist is preparing to do a spinal anesthesia to a 220 lb. 30 year old athlete.
she request the circulating nurse to prepare a pink spinal set with another blue set as stand by. What gauge spinal sets will you make available in the OR suite?
A Gauge 16 and 22 C. Gauge 16 and 20
B. Gauge 18 and 16 D. Gauge 25 and 22

97. Medical gases are used a lot in the OR. Some gases are used to operate equipment and some are used to administer general anesthesia through inhalation. What is the identifying color of the lank which contains 'laughing gas'?
A. Yellow C. Black
B. Green D. Blue

98 On a traffic light, yellow me; is "proceed with caution". In the field of healthcare, where do you discard your used tissue papers?
A. Yellow bin C. Green bin
B. Orange bin D Black bin

99 An instrument tray with black striped autoclave/steam chemical indicator tape communicates that the instrument tray...
A. Is clean
B. is ready for use in surgery
C. Is sterile
D. Has undergone the sterilization process

100. In health care, when lead apron is required in any procedure like orthosurgery, there is danger of exposure to:
A Water and blood splashes C. radiation
B. pseudomona D: bone fragments

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